Sports Injury

Kid playing soccer Dr. Andrew Stewart knew from the beginning that his life's mission was to help individuals with their pain through holistic methods. He has been practicing chiropractic care and treating sports injuries for over 30 years. Dr. Stewart has been involved his whole life in sports, particularly in soccer, golf, running, and tennis. This area of passion has allowed him to treat sports injury-related complaints in athletes and non-athletes alike. He understands that momentum is one of the most important aspects of a person and to remove their ability to move is catastrophic. 

Common Symptoms We Treat

  • Back pain 
  • Neck Pain
  • Chronic pain

Each of these conditions can be incredibly detrimental to your ability to get back into the game or to enjoy your life on a daily basis without pain. The pain associated with these kinds of conditions can cause you to feel withdrawn, exhausted, and much more. Dr. Stewart's goal is to improve your life through holistic measures so that you can enjoy it once again.

Common Treatments 

Here are the most common chiropractic treatments that Dr. Stewart uses on a regular basis:

  • Spinal decompression. Relieving the pressure on the spinal cord and/or compressed nerve roots can provide immediate relief.
  • Chiropractic adjustments. Using gentle force, Dr. Stewart can provide adjustments to correct musculoskeletal imbalances that are caused by subluxations.
  • Family chiropractic. Using chiropractic adjustments that can be adjusted for younger and older family members can provide holistic benefits at any age in life.
  • Laser therapy. A process called photobiomodulation utilizes infrared frequency that can relieve inflammation and clear damaged cells, which improves healing.
  • Spinal stabilization. Providing safe guidelines for the patient that can help stabilize their spine and improve movement over time with gentle exercises.

Dr. Stewart's Mission Statement

Dr. Stewart provides his patients with a combination of traditional chiropractic techniques alongside modern evidence-based therapeutic procedures that are attuned to his patient's specific needs. He is here to provide sports injury relief for athletes who have experienced pain on the field and for non-athletes alike. Call our practice today at 925-937-2225 for our Lafayette location and 650-692-2273 for our Millbrae location. Dr. Stewart will be able to assist you at your earliest convenience.