Spinal Decompression

Spinal decompression When you are suffering from back pain, Dr. Andrew Stewart offers treatments to provide relief at his offices in Millbrae and Lafayette, CA. Many things can go wrong with your back and when the reason is bulging or herniated discs, spinal decompression is a treatment that works for many people.

About Spinal Discs

The spine is a complex part of the central nervous system. It is made up of vertebrae, 23 discs, nerves, and the spinal cord. The discs help with the job of distributing weight bearing forces throughout the spine and proper flexibility of the back. Because they are so important to the comfort of your back when they become injured, finding relief is essential. 

Herniated disc

Improper functioning spines can cause the discs to tear producing pain and when severe cause the gel of the central disc to bulge and extrude into the nerve canals.  This protrusion or prolapse can diminish essential nerve function and cause moderate to severe pain into the arms or legs and can be debilitating. Often the disc will resolve itself within a few months and the pain will stop, but when it doesn't, it can make doing the normal activities of daily life very difficult. In the past, surgery was the most common option, but today spinal decompression is a common and effective non-surgical option.

What is spinal decompression?

Spinal decompression is an advanced technology that allows your chiropractor to help your disc stabilize, heal and stop affecting  the nerves. We use a table that is mechanized and operated by a very precise computer. A custom treatment is designed for each patient to provide the desired result. The spine is gently stretched to allow decompression and proper healing to occur.  

Everyone responds a little differently, so it is not possible to say it happens in one treatment or 25 treatments, but it is effective in a great many cases. Treatment plans vary in frequency and duration and are tailored to patients' individual needs.

If you need relief from disc problems, Dr. Stewart can provide spinal decompression therapy to help to correct the issue. You can schedule at the Lafayette location at 925-937-2225 and at the Millbrae location at 650-692-2273. Don't put off getting relief any longer. Contact us today.